Tally Screen
1. Product Info.
2. Button Bar.
3. Calculator.1. Product Info:
This is the top part of the screen. In this part user can see the information
about software. That is Name, Vision software, Company Name, System date
& Time etc.
2. Button Bar:
Buttons appearing in the buttons bar provide quick access to the different
options. This is at the right hand side of the screen. In this different function
Keys are presented in different names.
The bottom part of the Tally Screen is Calculator part in this part the user
can do all types of arithmetic Calculator user can use "Ctrl + N" to switch in
to application area Press "Ctrl + M".
The middle part of the screen is work area of Tally. This part further can
divided in to 2 sections. The right hand side contains different menus which
we can use in Tally.
Accounts Info, Company Info, Inventory Info,
Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Accounts.
The left hand side of the work area of Tally displays information about
Company's i.e. Current period, Current date, Name of the Company and
last date of Voucher entry in opened Company.
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